A very emotional and touching evening – 31st March 2015, this first charity event for IN CHILDREN’S EYES endowment fund.
It felt good to know I could rely on all of those who attended as well as the many who could not, but continue to support my work.

We raised € 7.000,0 in donations. What a success!

Joerg, born 1970, belongs to a group of male victims of psychological violence and sexual abuse and told us about his personal experiences. I am very happy to support his project “Run against the silence and the forgotten victims of sexual abuse”. (€ 2.000,00)

Kirsten, the remedial teacher with a degree in art therapy, gave us detailed information about her everyday work as a family therapist at Freio e.V. Rhein-Erftkreis. Freio Rhein-Erftkreis, registered association, (initiative against sexual violence against children) benefits also of the donations. They support family and art therapy and enable crisis intervention by children/parents conversations one more time. (€ 2.000,00)

I am also glad that both helped bringing awareness for the endowment fund by acknowledging the support they receive.

Another project we supported: “Creating safe places. Protection against abuse in institutions” is an initiative of Zartbitter, registered association. Zartbitter develops rules and information in order to establish respect on boundaries for social interaction in institutions with children, teenager and educationalists. The everyday work demonstrates online prevention work is getting more important.
(€ 3.000,00)

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
(Mahatma Ghandi)
We have once again changed the world a little bit more on 31st March 2015.